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Development history of silicone softener

Nov 21, 2016

Silicone softener development history canbe traced back to the 1940s. As early as 1940, people try to impregnate thefabric with dimethyl dichlorosilane, in order to get some kind of waterproofeffect. But the use of dimethyldichlorosilane will release the process ofharmful to human body and fabric of hydrogen chloride gas.

In 1945, people with sodium silicatesolution of alkali impregnated fabric, found that the fabric by weak acidtreatment, in 110 ° C ~ 120 ° C after drying has a good waterproof effect, butthe high alkaline impregnation solution on the fabric Adverse effects.

Therefore, the above two technologies arenot used by the textile industry. About 50 years after the emergence ofhydrogen-containing silicone oil, DowCorning [4] researchers tohydrogen-containing silicone emulsion finishing fabrics, access to a goodwaterproof effect. However, hydrogen-containing silicone oil in the fabricsurface formed by the waterproof membrane of hard, brittle, and easy to falloff. The addition of methyl silicone milk and hydrogen-containing silicone milkblending finishing, the formation of the waterproof membrane is soft, feelgood.

This is a practical significance of thediscovery, which led to the people as a fabric softener silicone researchinterest. The development of polysiloxanes, particularly reactive, functionalpolysiloxanes in the last 50 years has made organosilicon softeners socolorful. Widely used in fiber and fabric softening finishing, spinning oil,hair conditioning agents and household detergents and other aspects of thecomplex.

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